i work a little on https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/pull/223.
I know this is not top 1 priority for the team, but i need some decisions from 
the team about formatting
1. Style of the name of xml nodes
"JoinType" like MSSQL
"Join-Type" like Postgress
other proposition..
2. Plan xml formatting with attributes or without
a) with attributes
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<SelectExpression xmlns="http://www.firebirdsql.org";> 
    <Node Operation="Union"> 
        <Node Operation="Nested Loop Join" JoinType="Inner">             
            <Node Operation="Full Scan"> 
                <Table alias=" &lt; xml &gt;">RDB$DATABASE</Table> 
            <Node Operation="Filter"> 
                <Table Alias="R" Access="By ID">RDB$RELATIONS</Table> 
                <Node Operation="Bitmap"> 
        <Node Operation="Nested Loop Join" JoinType="Inner">                 
                <Node Operation="Full Scan">
                     <Table alias=" &lt; xml &gt;">RDB$DATABASE</Table> 
            <Node Operation="Filter"> 
                <Table Alias="R" Access="By ID">RDB$RELATIONS</Table> 
                <Node Operation="Bitmap"> 
b) without attributes at all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<SelectExpression xmlns="http://www.firebirdsql.org";> 
            <Operation>Nested Loop Join</Operation>
                <Operation>Full Scan</Operation>
                <Alias> &lt; xml &gt;</Alias>
                <Access>By ID</Access>
            <Operation>Nested Loop Join</Operation>
            <Alias> &lt; xml &gt;</Alias>
                    <Operation>Full Scan</Operation>
                <Access>By ID</Access>
any others hints are more than welcome
Karol Bieniaszewski
Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at 

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