On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 16:30:00 +0300
Dmitry Yemanov <firebi...@yandex.ru> wrote:

> verbose_logging is redundant here, currently it's used on the replica
> side only.

Thanks, I see now.
> > Replica:
> > 
> > database = /srv/data/active/ods130/bmsql_smoketest.fdb
> > {
> >    log_source_directory = /var/fb4-replication/bmsql_smoketest
> >    verbose_logging = true
> > }  
> log_source_directory should point to the same directory as
> log_archive_directory on the master side.

This does not appear in the documentation. As far as I can tell. 

But anyway, I have now tried that. 

Still no replication.

> > Both servers can see the log directory.  
> They should see the log archive directory, this is what is shipped
> from primary to replica.

And I've double checked this - log_archive_directory on the source
specifies the same path as log_source_directory on the target. There is
no doubt that each server can see this directory. And the segment is

ls -l /var/fb4-replication/archlog/bmsql_smoketest
total 4
-rw-rw---- 1 firebird firebird 699 Oct 7 14:31

What else am I missing?

Both servers are using Beta1 and synchronous replication works fine so
the firebird installation appears to be OK.

Paul Reeves
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