On 2019-12-05 12:01, Jiří Činčura wrote:
Maybe better to show some code (simplified). Expecting the free and release to 
have separate responsibilities I wrote initially (the variables with underscore 
are class fields). The Execute is called at some point and Free is called 
either after the IExternalFunctionImpl finished executing or in 
IExternalResultSetImpl::dispose (because that's the only place I'm aware of I 
know no more fetching will occur and the fetching might end up in the middle 
not reading all the results (otherwise I would know it because fetchNext would 
return != IStatus::RESULT_OK).

void Execute(const char* stmt)
        auto status = ThrowStatusWrapper(_context->getMaster()->getStatus());
        _attachment = _context->getAttachment(&status);
        _transaction = _context->getTransaction(&status);
        _statement = _attachment->prepare(&status, _transaction, 0, stmt, 
        _cursor = _statement->openCursor(&status, _transaction, nullptr, 
nullptr, outMetadata, 0);
        _msg = new unsigned char[outMetadata->getMessageLength(&status)];
        // other method does the fetchNext

void Free()

        delete _msg;
        _msg = nullptr;

You are a kind of lucky that you did not reach this point of code - calling release() after successful close() of cursor is illegal, can easily cause segfault.

        _cursor = nullptr;
        _statement = nullptr;

Answering next eMail - this code with _transaction & _attachment is absolutely OK, all you need here is to decrement counters.

        _transaction = nullptr;
        _attachment = nullptr;

I suggest the following for cursor (almost same for statement):

catch (const FbException& ex)
    // report error code
_cursor = nullptr;

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