On 18/05/2020 04:00, Alex Peshkoff via Firebird-devel wrote:
> On 2020-05-16 05:22, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
>> On 15/05/2020 12:46, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
>>> The decision to use 2020-01-01 as date for some of the time with time
>>> zone conversion leads to, in my opinion, confusing behaviour:
>>> select
>>>    time'13:25:32.1235 Europe/Amsterdam' at time zone 'utc' as t1,
>>>    cast(time'13:25:32.1235 Europe/Amsterdam' as timestamp with time
>>> zone)
>>> at time zone 'utc' as t2,
>>>    cast(cast(time'13:25:32.1235 Europe/Amsterdam' as timestamp with
>>> time
>>> zone) as time with time zone) at time zone 'utc' as t3,
>>>    cast(cast(time'13:25:32.1235 Europe/Amsterdam' as timestamp with
>>> time
>>> zone) at time zone 'utc' as time with time zone) as t4
>>> from rdb$database;
>>> yields:
>>> T1                              12:25:32.1235 UTC
>>> T2                              2020-05-15 11:25:32.1235 UTC
>>> T3                              12:25:32.1235 UTC
>>> T4                              11:25:32.1235 UTC
>>> The previous behaviour where the current date was used (in line with
>>> the
>>> SQL-standard requirements for using the current date when casting from
>>> TIME WITH TIME ZONE to TIME WITH TIMESTAMP) would make all these
>>> consistent (at 11:25:32.1235 UTC).
>> First, the previous behavior, as you know, is not viable: it broke
>> indexes, foreign keys, unique constraints, stored data.
>> The current behavior is not non-standard, as standard has only
>> offset-based time zones, and with offsets the current behavior is
>> identical to the previous one.
>> Do you have an alternative (that do not broke things), better than use
>> fixed date (as Oracle does with 0001-01-01 and it even more broke
>> behavior) or a recent date?
> Telling true I have bug desire to answer that error 'Invalid
> operation' should be raised because operation is really invalid, it
> has undefined result (something near to zerodivide). But I'm afraid
> users do not like such suggestion...
If you talk only about conversion between region-based times/tz and
timestamps or time without time zone, maybe...

About usage of region-based times/tz and comparison with others
region-based times/tz, I think the current behavior is ok. It's not
perfect, but not very problematic. It's better to allow people to use
region-based times/tz (to say things as "that event happens in that time
of given country every day") than do not.


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