On 29-05-2020 21:43, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
I was just testing some claims in the Firebird Language Reference against Firebird 3 and 4, and ran into the following oddity:

The result of `null in (non-empty list or query)` and `null = any (non-empty query)` should be `null` (see SQL:2016-2, 8.4 <in predicate> and 8.9 <quantified comparison predicate>).

It would have been more correct to say it should be Unknown, but as null and unknown are equivalent according to the SQL standard, that shouldn't matter.

This is the case for

select (null in ('a')) from RDB$DATABASE

However, it is not the case for:

select (null in (select 'a' from RDB$DATABASE)) from RDB$DATABASE
select (null = any (select 'a' from RDB$DATABASE)) from RDB$DATABASE

These both, incorrectly, return false

However, when applied in the the WHERE clause, they all correctly behave as NULL:

select 1 from RDB$DATABASE where not (null in ('a'));
select 1 from RDB$DATABASE where not (null in (select 'a' from RDB$DATABASE)); select 1 from RDB$DATABASE where not (null = any (select 'a' from RDB$DATABASE));

This on the basis that `not (null)` => unknown, so no result, where as `not (false)` => true, so would have produced a result.

Any idea what might be happening here?

Similar problems apply for `(null = any (..))`, this should produce TRUE when the subquery is empty, but NULL when non-empty.

However, the plot thickens:

select 1 from RDB$DATABASE where (null = any (select 'a' from RDB$DATABASE)) is null;

does not return a row, so here it doesn't behave as NULL/UNKNOWN, and

select 1 from RDB$DATABASE where (null = any (select 'a' from RDB$DATABASE)) is false;

returns a row, so here it behaves as FALSE, while it does behave as NULL in

select 1 from RDB$DATABASE where not (null = any (select 'a' from RDB$DATABASE));

Mark Rotteveel

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