On 08-07-2020 15:00, Pavel Cisar wrote:
I'm trying to implement support for FB 4 TIME/TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE in new Python driver, and I'm constantly hitting a stone wall with it.

The TZ support in standard datetime Python module is nice, smart and flexible, but builtin support does not supports complex TZ with time shifts, only simple offset ones (standard support for these is in PEP stage, and may appear in Python 3.10 or later). The complex ones are supported via two libraries: dateutil and pytz. The dateutil is the preferred one.

A. Reading from database

TIME WITH TIMEZONE is pointless. It sort off works for "naive" TZ that does not have things like summer time and other time shifts based on date. The pytz library does not even allow you to create time with such tz. The dateutil does, but the usability is near zero, because you can't get offset, tz name etc from it (so also the calculations are crewed).

It is not clear to me what problem you are having here.


B. Storing into database.

TIME WITH TIMEZONE is impossible to store as I can't convert it successfully with iUtil.encodeTimeTz() because I can't get the TZ name or utcoffset for timezones like CET/CEST out of time value to pass it to this function. Yes, it's that convoluted, because the tzinfo object wants to decide the return value according to DST (or other execptions) and it needs date for that. If it can't, it returns None.

Then use 2020-01-01 as the date, because that is the date that Firebird itself uses for basing TIME WITH TIME ZONE derivation for named zones.

TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE is also busted, as Firebird does not know CEST timezone, only CET, and I can't twist/cast/whatever the python library to return CET when it's summer time. I could circumvent that with utcoffset instead zone name, but that would mean lost information (store offset instead time zone ID).

And Europe/Prague (= CET or CEST depending on DST) is probably just an example when things get busted in other TZs. So far it's impossible to add TZ support into Firebird driver for Python that would work for all TZ in all cases.

The data types will be supported, but reliability and usability will depend on actual TZ used.

As I can't see how these problems could be solved at Firebird side (except missing TZ names like CEST), this rant is just for your information as the state of TZ support in it will have impact on our QA capabilities.

If a certain zone doesn't exist, you need to provide a mapping to the appropriate zones you want to use. For example, CET *is* CEST. That is: CET has a summertime rule, so the name CET is equivalent to CEST on dates in summer time (CEST is just a dumb alias for CET during summertime).

However, it is highly recommend to stop using those short form zone identifiers as they are ambiguous. It is better to use the long form identifiers like Europe/Prague.

Mark Rotteveel

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