On Tue, 18 Aug 2020 10:38:19 +0100
Tony Whyman <tony.why...@mccallumwhyman.com> wrote:

> Paul,
> I am not surprised that you wrote "it is more difficult than I thought".
> When I set out to upgrade IBX for Lazarus to the new Firebird 3 OO API, I
> thought that it would be a relatively straightforward task. 


I know you have done some great work with IBX2 and I certainly don't have any
desire to emulate it.
Have you thought about putting this project onto github? It will get a lot
more traction and other developers will find it easier to contribute patches. 

> The real question is who is the audience for the examples? Is it the
> application programmer or is it the maintainers of packages such asĀ  IBPP,
> Jaybird and the Firebird Pascal API? The answer to that question should
> determine your objectives for the examples.

I believe the audience is the application programmer in general rather than
maintainers of packages. Simple examples that demonstrate the basics. As far
as Object Pascal is concerned the old C api was too cumbersome to use in
a quick application. The new api fits nicely with OP. For example, the two
samples that I have converted so far - 02-update.pas and 03-select.pas - take
up about the same number of lines of code as the C++ versions. But they do
need a few helper units (but nothing cumbersome).

To me that is impressive - It is now quite feasible to knock out a quick app
that uses the new api in just a few lines of code. Nothing extra needs to be
installed - just tell the compiler where to find Firebird.pas, libfbclient
and the location of a few helper units. This would have been impossible with
the old api. So I think one of the aims of these examples is to demonstrate
the simplicity they bring to programming firebird applications in any
language that supports the new api.

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird

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