On 2020-08-27 17:48, Ian Lawrence Barwick wrote:
2020年8月27日(木) 23:28 Ian Lawrence Barwick <barw...@gmail.com>:
2020年8月25日(火) 18:02 Alex Peshkoff via Firebird-devel
On 2020-08-25 05:07, Ian Lawrence Barwick wrote:
./configure --prefix=/opt/firebird4 \
    --with-editline \
Almost for sure --with-system-editline will be better - builtin editline
is used in distributed binaries just to satisfy license.
Thanks, noted.


Thanks for any pointers
You may use no-install approach - run where it was built.
Aha, that would be fine.

Just add
SYSDBA user to security database in build dir (gen/Release/firebird)

      # cd gen/Release/firebird/bin
      # ./isql employee
      SQL> create user sysdba password 'masterkey';
That unfortunately doesn't work:

   $ ./isql employee
   Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 08006
   Unable to complete network request to host "localhost".
   -Failed to establish a connection.
   Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database

I tried this:

   $ FIREBIRD=/path/to/firebird/src/gen/Release/firebird/ ./bin/isql  employee
   Statement failed, SQLSTATE = HY000
   operating system directive access failed
   -Not a directory
   Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database

(which seems necessary for the .msg file and presumably configuration files)
and several variations, all with the same error message.

I also tried hard-coding the employee and security database paths in
the .conf files
in the $FIREBIRD directory, no change.

All files in the $FIREBIRD directory path are owned by the same (non-root) user.

After root-done install access rights will be changed in install-dir - but that is not a reason not to run in embedded mode right after the build.

OK, I can get it to work by using sudo; is it possible it's expecting
to run as a
different user (e.g. "firebird") rather than the user I compiled this with?

it has no problems running with build  user (and does it during build)

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