On 11/5/20 5:03 PM, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
I just tried to drop the LegacyAuth SYSDBA account from the security database, but this only results in:

SQL> drop user sysdba using plugin Legacy_UserManager;
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = HY000
delete record error

As the second best option I tried disabling it, but disabling accounts is not possible with the Legacy_UserManager (or ignored by LegacyAuth), only with Srp disabling accounts works.

I have no problems dropping SYSDBA with Srp, why is this not possible with Legacy_UserManager? Am I missing something?

May be the fact that thi is _legacy_ plugin which was never able to drop SYSDBA.

I also tried gsec, but it looks like gsec in 3.0.7 will always pick Srp, ignoring the UserManager setting in firebird.conf.

You are wrong here, just rechecked:

# ./gsec -di
     user name                    uid   gid admin     full name
SYSDBA                              0     0
QA_USER1                            0     0
QA_USER2                            0     0
BBB                                 0     0 admin
QA_USER3                            0     0
QA_USER4                            0     0
QA_USER5                            0     0
GUEST                               0     0
SHUT1                               0     0
SHUT2                               0     0
QATEST                              0     0

After changing value in firebird.conf to
UserManager = Legacy_UserManager

# ./gsec -di
     user name                    uid   gid admin     full name
SYSDBA                              0     0           Sql Server Administrator

But this does not help you drop legacy SYSDBA.

As a result, requiring a strong password for SYSDBA (by only using Srp for admin accounts) is impossible if you also need to be able to support LegacyAuth for other accounts.

The problem is rather artificial - if one cares about security legacy plugin to be disabled.
But one can for example:
1. attach to security db embedded and delete SYSDBA record manually
2. create (global) mapping to map unwanted sysdba to something non-admin

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