On 5/9/21 8:20 PM, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
On 07/05/2021 12:23, Alex Peshkoff via Firebird-devel wrote:
On 5/6/21 9:23 PM, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
What I want to ask about if it's clear/good is that DefaultTimeZone set
in client does not implicitly pass isc_dpb_session_time_zone in the
For me such behavior looks suspicious (i.e. a bug to be precise).
DefaultTimeZone set at client side should propagate to server for
particular attachment.

Should it be changed for v4.0?

It would be difficult to do that change later.

I think yes, but it will be great to know what do others think. @dimitr?

Also note that no implicit client time zone is passed when
DefaultTimeZone is not set. Doing so would create compatibility problems
with date/time functions for who is not interested in time zones.
May be explicit DefaultTimeZone=Auto can turn on passing implicit client
time zone? Not to say I treat it as absoluely needed, just possible

It should be possible, but requiring ICU in the client when that setting
is used.

For me need in ICU for very optional feature is not showstopper - wish to use install icu. Default config breaks nothing. And to be explicit - that's useful but far not critical for v4.0-release, i.e. can go to 4.1/5.0.

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