On 10-05-2020 15:18, Paul Vinkenoog wrote:
Mark Rotteveel wrote:

Could you look at the overall style of things to see if there are things
you really don't like.


First reaction to the PDF:

- Overall, OK!

- Document title and author listing: really don't like the right-alignment here,
I'd rather see it left-aligned or centered.

I'll try to tweak that.

- Navigation pane: only has a depth of 2 (chapter and top-level paragraph).
This means that lots of 2nd- and 3rd-level paragraphs are now missing from
the nav pane. It would be very useful having them back.

I have currently built it with the asciidoctor-default of toclevels 2, I'll set it to 3.

- Some of the fonts are not very pleasant to the eye (at least my eye); they
look horizontally compressed.

I think this is especially the code font, and that is how this font is designed. I'll try a few other fonts.

- Some other fonts are too big (e.g. in Examples sections), but I guess you
already know that; this is simple a matter of adjustment, nothing complicated.

I'll try to tweak that.

- In tables, sometimes the first column is centered and the second one
left-justified; sometimes the first is right-justified and the second 
I know this is already the case in the existing LangRef, but I find it 
horrible, so maybe we should fix this.

Be aware that some tables are currently a bit mangled (both in spacing, and in some cases having wrong number of columns), which might make this look worse than normal. I'll see if I can clean it up, but that might be better done as a cleanup step after migration.

Same for unnecessary parentheses
around language elements in tables.

Do you have a specific example of this last thing, so I know what I should look for?

Mark Rotteveel

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