Mark Rotteveel wrote:

> I have finally added links to the German Firebird 2.5 Language Reference 
> I migrated last week, and also updated and linked the English 
> documentation for isql, gsec, gbak, gstat, gfix, fbmgr, gsplit and shell 
> scripts.

Thanks, great work!

> I think I will not migrate the Russian and Portuguese counterparts of 
> these (only gsplit/gsec) as those seem to be older versions as they are 
> still part of the Firebird Utilities book, instead of separate books. It 
> is probably better to redo the translation from scratch. If there are 
> other opinions about this, let me know; I can still migrate them if 
> necessary.

I agree, I wouldn't bother with them right now.

Paul Vinkenoog

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