On 15-10-2020 16:21, Dmitry Yemanov wrote:

Just a quick note: the conversion of the Firebird 3 and Firebird 4 release notes to AsciiDoc is done.

Just built the v3 release notes as asciidocPdf and I see a difference in numbering. In prior builds (docbook-based) chapters were enumerated but sub-chapters weren't. Now we have:

1.1. Sub-release V.3.0.7
1.1.1. V.3.0.7 Improvements

I probably missed discussion related to this, so I'd like to ask whether this change is intentional or not.

It was not a conscious choice specifically for the release notes, but I did want consistency with the rest of the new documentation, and there I explicitly chose to number chapters, sections and sub-sections (3 levels, the AsciiDoctor default).

If you prefer the old style, you need to add a property
:sectnumlevels: 1
to the properties at the start of the firebird-3-release-notes.adoc.

Mark Rotteveel

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