On 28-09-2021 16:15, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
I'm experimenting with producing chunked output for at least the language references.

I have uploaded an example at https://www.firebirdsql.org/file/documentation/chunk/en/refdocs/fblangref40/firebird-40-language-reference.html

Let me know what you think, or if you find odd things. To be clear, I'm not looking for feedback at the styling: I'm using the default styles of docbook-xsltng, and I have done zero styling at this time.

I have applied styling to bring it more in line with the styling of the single page documentation (though it is not 100% identical). I have also made some changes which I think should address the font size as reported by Norman.

I have not found an option to make the ToC permanent other than trying to include some customised JavaScript, and I prefer not to do that.

I'll publish this for fblangref25, fblangref30, and fblangref40 (which I think benefit the most from chunking). Generating this is still a bit rough, and not integrated in the normal Gradle build, I hope to improve that later.

Mark Rotteveel

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