Jiri Cincura wrote:
> On 11/15/07, Shreekar Joshi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> About getting names and order of parameters from database, is it a good
>> idea to cache the SP params and orders at application level (maybe in a
>> singleton class hashtable)? This implementation will be in a windows
>> forms application and not web based.
> In provider? If so, so it's definetely wrong idea. This can bring more
> problems than benefits (i.e. altered procedure).

Yeah, I don't think you'd want to do it at the provider level, but your 
application could do it in your data access code if you really wanted 
to. I can see how it might be useful in a generic ORM library, but you 
could still run into problems unless you were able to also control the 
DDL that was being executed...


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