
reading this I am quite glad that I have not needed this property in
.net provider so far, because I admit it would exceed my comprehension
of FB internals.

Just in case I need it in future, I would like to get an additional

Looking at a column which is not nullable because you set "NOT NULL"
to the column, you would EXPECT the property "is_nullable" to be
true, where "true" is represented by the numeric value 1.
I would NOT, because literally the column is not nullable, and so I
would not want to have this situation concluded as "column is

Instead I would either expect that the result is 0 where 0 means
"false" or 1 where 1 means "false" (because the NOT-NULL flag in the
system table is set to 1 as Helen described...)

Looking at a column which is not nullable because you (only) set it's
domain to a domain for which you set "NOT NULL", not touching the NOT
NULL constraint of the column itself, you would EXPECT the
property "is_nullable" false. I also would, because the column is
indeed not nullable.

I am a bit worried, in any case, that you would expect different
results for the 2 cases, because in both cases the column literally
"is not nullable".

Maybe what you want and need is a (new?) property "NOT_NULL_SET" which
could result to false for the column while "is_nullable" still _CAN_
return false because of the underlying domain.


Mit freundlichen Grüssen,

André Knappstein, EDV und Controlling
Verwaltungs- und Erlebniszentrum Marina Rünthe
beta Eigenheim GmbH
Hafenweg 4
59192 Bergkamen-Rünthe

Durchwahl: +49 2389 9240 140

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