On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 22:01, Gareth <gareth.gosl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't think that connection pooling will affect the path. If one
> site has 10 open connections they will all show the same path and site
> name, this is the same as a single application which has 10
> connections to the same database, the path and application name will
> be the same as well.

If one ASP.NET worker process is serving two applications, you'll see
path for the first one to connect as the worker process is the one to
load the assembly and has no idea what application is accessing the
pool. At least I think so, didn't tested.

But that's probably the limitation of it, similar as static fields and
thread safety.

Jiri {x2} Cincura (CTO x2develop.com)
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