
when I try to create an Entity Framework model using either edmgen.exe or 
edmgen2.exe I get this message:

"The specified store provider cannot be found in the configuration, or is not 

Using Firebird 2.5.0, NETProvider 2.6.5, Visual C# 2010 Express on Windows 7 
Home Premium, 64 bit.

As far as I know it's useless (or impossible?) to install DDEX for the Express 
editions of Visual Studio. So until now I put the FirebirdClient into the GAC, 
but didn't touch my machine.config or the Registry and didn't try anything else 
with the DDEX files.

Here is the command I've used for edmgen:

D:\home\Sibylle\Dokumente\Visual Studio 
/mode:FullGeneration /c:"Server=localhost;database=versand;character 
set=ISO8859_1" /project:Versand /provider:FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient
Microsoft (R) EdmGen Version
Copyright (C) 2008 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Fehler 7001: Der angegebene Speicheranbieter 'FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient' 
kann nicht in der Konfiguration gefunden werden, oder 
'FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient' ist nicht gültig.
        Der angeforderte .Net Framework-Datenprovider kann nicht gefunden 
werden. Er ist ggf. nicht installiert.

Same error message with edmgen2. The connection string is taken directly from a 
working application (console, no EF).

What can I do to get this to run?

Thank you for help,

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