On 31-1-2016 08:31, Kjell Rilbe wrote:
> Hi,
> I am unable to find info about some of the FbTransactionBehavior values.
> Would be nice with some pointers or info. :-)
> Consistency = 1, // What's this?
> Concurrency = 2, // What's this?
> Shared = 4, // Used only for pre locking of tables?? Protected = 8, //
> Used only for pre locking of tables?? Exclusive = 16, // Used only for
> pre locking of tables?? Wait = 32, // Wait specified amount of time if 
> operation needs resource locked by other transaction.
> NoWait = 64, // Throw exception immediately if operation needs resource 
> locked by other transaction.
> Read = 128, // Used only for pre locking of tables?? Write = 256, //
> Used only for pre locking of tables?? LockRead = 512, // Used only for
> pre locking of tables?? LockWrite = 1024, // Used only for pre locking
> of tables?? ReadCommitted = 2048, // Changes committed by other trans are 
> seen, uncommitted changes are not seen, conflict only on write of same record.
> Autocommit = 4096, // What's this? RecVersion = 8192, // MVCC is used, so rec 
> changed by other transaction can be read (but old version).
> NoRecVersion = 16384, // MVCC "not used", so can't read rec changed by other 
> transaction.
> RestartRequests = 32768, // What's this? NoAutoUndo = 65536, // What's this?

These are equivalent to the isc_tpb_* constants with the same (or 
similar) names in Firebird. You need to refer to the (scarce) 
documentation of Firebird on these options.

Mark Rotteveel

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