I have have had problems using Windows Entity Data Framework. In some cases, I can't open an edmx file in Visual Studio (that I had compiled from scanning a database perhaps a year earlier, always receiving "Provider Not Found." Very frustrating.

I am now considering switching to MySql, even though I would prefer to stay with Firebird.

On 2/9/2017 1:32 PM, Daniel Rail wrote:

   I'm trying to use the Firebird ADO.Net with Entity Framework 6.

   I'm able to create a code first model from an existing database.
   But, when trying to establish a connection, it is telling me that a
   provider is not registered. My scenario is that the connection is
   done in a DLL, not an EXE, and the main application's EXE that is
   calling this .Net assembly DLL is a Win32/Delphi application. I know
   that normally the provider information would be in the application's
   config file, but in this case the config file is not copied with the
   assembly DLL.

   I was reading on how to register the provider in code (
   https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj680699(v=vs.113).aspx ),
   but I'm unsure what to put for the SetExecutionStrategy line in the

   Any help would be appreciated.

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