On 8/04/2013 5:02 PM, Helen Borrie wrote:

At 05:28 p.m. 8/04/2013, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

>I found that it works with kinterbasdb for UTF8 or NONE connection type.
>I tried changing the column definition to "blob binary character set none" and some other things but none of them helped with fdb (1.0). For some combinations of the column type and the connection characteret I got Python utf8 decode errors, others just truncated the data. Also tried with a Firebird 2.5 server (I was using 2.1) without any success

Why are you applying a character set attribute at all, to binary blobs?

I'm not usually, but was experimenting with Pavel's suggestion that the blob truncation I saw might be a character set issue. I am now back to my original definition of the column as simply "BLOB", the connection character set as UTF8 and I'm able to fetch the blobs successfully in materialized mode using kinterbasdb.


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