I had almost the exact same issue.  I installed the lipo 64 version.  
Everything is happy now!

--- In firebird-support@yahoogroups.com, "johnryh" <johnryh@...> wrote:
> Using Firebird 2.5.1 on Lion 10.7.2 on a 4 core machine I attach to 2 
> separate databases on the same machine in quick succession via localhost. 
> Firebird always opens the first database with no problems but often hangs 
> opening the second database. The only way out is to reboot repeatedly until 
> it does work. It then continues through the session to attach without error 
> to both databases repeatedly whenever my program is re-started. On shutting 
> down and later reboot it often hangs again. Debugging shows my program stops 
> on calling isc_attach_databaseType. System logs show nothing that I can see 
> as relevant.
> I have tried all 32/64 versions of Firebird for OSX except the lipo version 
> and they all exhibit the same problem in Lion but work without problems in ms 
> windows and in Snow Leopard.
> Any ideas?

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