Thanks for feedback, I see the first thing need to do is fix the sysdba user 
access, then maybe looking at other methods..

--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:
> At 09:37 AM 16/01/2012, richwiz11 wrote:
> >Hi, I need a way of logging or protecting data from being deleted by a user.
> >
> >I work for a POS (point of sale) company, each user "shop" would have a 
> >local firebird db running. We are entering into a new market where 
> >regulation states we have to protect our system from tax evasion (where 
> >possible) 
> So having all of your users with SYSDBA privileges bombs you out totally.
> >We have figured out to how protect sales data from being altered. 
> While every Joe Blow is SYSDBA?  I don't think so.
> >The problem I am left with is how to protect a row from being deleted. 
> >(firstly, have come to the conclusion that it impossible to fully protect 
> >data
> That's true.
> >, however the idea here is just make it a bit harder and scare people off)
> Oh yeah...
> >The two method I have thought of is
> >a) Using roles and remove the delete privilege 
> That's the one.
> >(we currently just using SYSDBA, which is probably a bit bad anyway)
> Try "totally insane".
> >or
> >b) Add some kind of trigger logging to keep this deleted data and copy to 
> >another db.
> And let all these SYSDBAs play with it to their hearts' content.
> >Just wanted to know if anyone else had any other ideas or been in a similar 
> >situation.
> Just about everyone has to deal with this, from little shops to defence 
> installations.  Fix what's broken now and use roles. Give every user a login 
> account and enforce login, i.e., remove "automatic login" that you may have 
> been trying to avoid by encoding SYSDBA login in your applications. Restrict 
> SYSDBA access to the one human in each place who has responsibility for 
> securing data.  
> Address unauthorised access to databases AND backup files as an issue of 
> extreme importance.  Be aware of the exposure from keeping backups around - 
> get them off the local servers and onto portable media that can be locked up, 
> preferably off site and out of reach.  It is extremely easy to steal 
> databases and backups from an unprotected LAN.
> >PS at the moment using FB 2.0, however planning on upgrading our clients to 
> >FB 2.5. I have been looking at the trace logging in FB2.5 but don't see that 
> >usefull for this problem
> True. Especially not useful if all your users are SYSDBA. In any case, a 
> trace can only tell you what happened, not what's going to happen. But SQL 
> roles and user access control have been around Firebird since long before 
> Firebird was born.  
> ./heLen

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