
I have a table that i use to store session

Table Session
ID: VARCHAR(16); /* GUID ID */
Expiry_date: Timestamp;
Data: Varchar(1000);

i use the table like this only :

Insert into Session(ID,Expiry_date,Data) 
VALUES (CHAR_TO_UUID(NewGUID), NOW + 15minutes,...)

Update Session Set 
Expiry_date= NOW + 15minutes 
id=... and 
Date_expired < 'NOW'

Select ... from SESSION where 
ID=... and Expiry_date > 'NOW'

THat ok,

now the probleme is that i have another thread that one time a day delete all 
the expired node

Delete From SESSION where Expiry_date < NOW - 3 days

i use isc_tpb_write + isc_tpb_read_committed + isc_tpb_no_rec_version + 
isc_tpb_wait for this second thread (but normally as i delete the rec that 
expire 3 days ago they must not be any probleme of deadlock)

but the probleme is that this SQL make hours (days?) to return :(
if i replace the isc_tpb_wait by isc_tpb_nowait then i have often some deadlock 
(why ?? still not understand ...)

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