There is no log in /var/log for anything resembling firebird.  Where else would 
it be?

--- In, "mariuz" <mariuz@...> wrote:
> --- In, "jackmason17@" <jackmason17@> wrote:
> >
> > We converted from Windows 7 Interbase 6.02 last Monday by backing up the 
> > databases then restoring them to SuperClassic under Mint. The hardware is 
> > an Intel I3 with 8GB of memory, a hardware RAID (2 SSDs), and a system SSD. 
> >  All 5 Firebird databases are on the RAID, a shared drive with Windows 7.  
> How is the shared driver with windows , it is a windows samba share ? i mean 
> do the windows guests have access to write the firebird database ? this can 
> be a major cause for corruption , also please send the logs for firebird 
> usually is in /var/log/firebird2.5.log
> or at least the error message from the log 
> Does ssd raid is ok , check dmesg or the mdstat for raid status

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