On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 6:58 PM, Christian Gütter <n...@guetter.org> wrote:

> nobody  replied  to  the  questions  I asked about the Firebird system
> tables some days ago. Maybe they were a bit too lengthy and specific.
> I am wondering if anybody could point me to some documentation
> regarding the Firebird system tables instead, as I could not find any.
Probably not in the InterBase books - or the Firebird Book (which I
highly and is available through ibphoenix.com) - is the reason for the very
numeric values for datatypes.  Firebird is the open source clone of
InterBase was designed to be compatible at the API level with the VAX Rdb
products.  The level of compatibility was such that if you pointed gbak at
Rdb/VMS database, backed it up, it could be restored as an InterBase
and all the applications would work if they invoked the InterBase client
rather than the Rdb client library.  The Rdb products used the VAX/VMS
codes, plus some out-of-band codes for non VMS types like blobs.

That heritage is also the reason for the obscure error code values - every
at DEC had a unique hex prefix for its error messages so different products
conflict.  The codes look much better in hex than in decimal.

Good luck,


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