Using 2.5.2 64 bit on Windows - Super Classic model. 

  We have a large database around 20 gb that we have backup/restored 
successfully several times now via gbak. After the restore, everything is good, 
but over time, the transactions awaiting sweep starts to grow and never goes 
back to zero.  gbak is running every night, but apparently the sweep is not 
happening (or not completing). I have tried a manual sweep, but it seems to 
just hang with the process going to 0% CPU forever until terminated. We have 
several clients with this same setup, but do not see the problem anywhere else. 
There are no errors in the firebird.log either, so I am really at a loss as to 
what could be happening. When the issues happens, the gstat -h looks like this:

 Database header page information:
         Flags                   0
         Checksum                12345
         Generation              16660530
         Page size               8192
         ODS version             11.2
         Oldest transaction      15230691
         Oldest active           15230692
         Oldest snapshot         15230692
         Next transaction        16644907
         Bumped transaction      1
         Sequence number         0
         Next attachment ID      15616
         Implementation ID       26
         Shadow count            0
         Page buffers            7500
         Next header page        0
         Database dialect        1
         Creation date           Dec 13, 2013 0:57:08
     Variable header data:
         Sweep interval:         0

 Does anyone have any ideas on what could be happening, or what other 
diagnostics I could try?  Thanks in advance!


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