Hi Steve,

This database is very small, you should not have any performance problems (except related with lack of indices or bad design of metadata). Usually we recommend to set 10000 buffers for SuperServer - our experiments have shown that 10000 is the best # of buffers for SuperServer.

Alexey Kovyazin


I'm running Firebird 2.5.2 SuperServer on a Windows 7 Professional 64-bit PC. The PC currently has 4 GB of RAM, but we plan to upgrade to 8 GB soon.

The database is a small database used for inventory and stock control with about 30 tables, with about 6 - 8 concurrent users, and relatively moderate workload (INSERTS, UPDATES and SELECTS) throughout the day. The database is currently empty (we're just starting out) and the size currently stands at about 6 MB and is due to grow as data and transactions are added.

To increase performance, I've changed the default Firebird memory settings as thus:

For the database (Using GBAK restore with options):
 Page Size = 8192
 Buffers = 32768

In the firebird.conf file:
DefaultDBCachePages = 32768

Can anybody here explain to me:
1) Whether the given PC specification (RAM) will support this database?
2) Is this a good configuration? If not what are the ideal values I should adjust to?

Thanks in advance for any enlightenment.

Steve Faleiro

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