Den 2014-02-24 18:31 skrev Kjell Rilbe såhär:
> Den 2014-02-24 13:57 skrev Ann Harrison såhär:
> >
> >
> >
> > > On Feb 24, 2014, at 7:24 AM, Kjell Rilbe <
> > >
> > > database file appears corrupt
> > > -wrong page type
> > > -page 12301932 is of wrong type (expected 4, found 7)
> > >
> > Alas, not a great situation. Page type 4 is a pointer page - an array
> > of data page numbers that's one level of indirection in resolving
> > record locations. Page type 7 is ani index page. Fortunately, pointer
> > pages can be reconstructed from the rest of the database structure. I
> > think that the free version of IBFirstAid will tell you which table is
> > missing a pointer page. From there, the paid version should be able to
> > fix the problem.
> >
> If the errors are located in a specific index (or unique constraint),
> would it be a good idea to drop that index/constraint and try a regular
> gbak backup/restore cycle?
> And if the errors are located in a table's data pages - drop the table
> and do gbak backup/restore?
> I did get an indication that it might be in a table I can recreate by
> other means...

Tried to drop the entire table that I found has corruption, but as I 
suspected it didn't work. Pity. :-) I also see there's no way to get 
gbak to skip that table, which would probably have been useful. Or am I 


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