What is you firebird version?
AFAIK the only working version, whit no bugs, is 2.5.3
So, try updating customer's Firebird and try again.
Em 04/12/2014 13:10, "wobble...@yahoo.co.uk [firebird-support]" <
firebird-support@yahoogroups.com> escreveu:

> Hi All,
> We use nbackup to pull live copies of customer's production databases back
> to our office to play with and help with support. We run a level0 backup
> every weekend, and a level1 every day which are both copied back to the
> office over night. That just leaves us to run a level2 when we want a live
> copy. Generally it does exactly what it says on the tin and we are all
> happy at the speed we can grab a customer's 5GB database without the server
> really noticing - as opposed to a full gbak stealing all the disk IO.
> However, occasionally we end up tearing our hair out chasing down bizarre
> bugs not directly related to the issue we are really interested in, and it
> always ends up being a problem with the indexes that nbackup has restored. 
> There
> doesn't seem to be any pattern to the customers this affects, the size of
> the level2, the time of day, or anything. Sometimes a random index seems to
> just get corrupted. Queries still use it, but get no results. If we
> deactivate/activate an offending index then everything is great again.
> Has anyone else come across something similar?
> Thanks
> Ian

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