Q1:  We have an application with around 400 table and we use this structure for 
all tables. I.e. apart from the payload columns, all tables have these 
housekeeping fields. However our app framework populates these tables as the 
app logs in with it’s own single user. Due to a complex security and 
permissions model, the app has it’s own user model that the DB does not know 
about. The advantage of this is that we have a base class in the app domain 
(C#) that implements these properties. All DataObjects then derive from this. 
Our app is OLTP and the advantage of having the app populate the date fields is 
that for testing, we can centrally alter the timebase the app runs at without 
having to mess with server time and the consequences of that. 


Yes FB is a RDBMS and not OO DB. In a previous project I used ‘inheritance’ 
where I put common fields in a ‘base’ table and other fields in a ‘derived’ 
table and then a view on top. The 2 tables are then linked via a PK with same 
value. The problem I had was when I queried the view, it only used indexes of 
one table, depending on wich one was first in the select in the view. It 
ignored any indexes from the other table. So this fell flat. This was in FB 
2.1. I would not advise doing this.


Q2: Our approach is to have as few triggers / SPs in the DB. All updates and 
exchanges with the DB through our generic data access layer. The only place 
where we use triggers is to manage a RowVersion column after insert and update 
and reject concurrent row updates. I.e. where the users or system updates stale 
data. In our experience, SPs and triggers become messy very quickly and is hard 
to debug. Been bitten once too many times.


You also simply don’t grant access to casual users to the tables. The app uses 
a user with all grants in place. Our convention is to use a table name such as 
CUSTOMER_. Then we on top of that we put a view called CUSTOMER. The view also 
brings in some columns from ‘lookup’ table such as CURRENCY, etc. Normal users 
using reporting tools etc only get granted select access on the view and not 
the underlying table.


Q3: You can clear the RDB$PROCEDURE_SOURCE field in the RDB$PROCEDURE system 
table containing the SP and trigger definition. But take care to keep the 
scripts somewhere for backup.




From: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: 19 May 2015 11:35 PM
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [firebird-support] Advice requested on design pattern



I am creating a database that consists of 30 - 40 tables. 

Each table stores a specific set of data which has a specific set of 
attributes. There are also attributes common to all tables for example:

*       UID (from generator)
*       Name
*       Description
*       DateTime Created (audit field)
*       DateTime Modified (audit field)
*       User Created (audit field)
*       User Modified (audit field)

Most tables will contain a few thousands of records, some of them may be 
largish blobs such as photos but mostly it will be plain text and HTML.

Normally insertions and updates would be infrequent but retrieval needs to be 
as fast as possible. The data is being displayed in a relatively simple client 
written in C++ and using IBPP.

Q1: I understand that Firebird does not support table inheritance. Therefore is 
it better to create a 'COMMON_FIELDS' table and then join the 'specialised' 
tables to it or include the common fields (i.e. the list above) in each and 
every table?


The 'created' and 'modified' audit fields should be updated automatically and 
obviously I will use a trigger to do this. One advantage I can see of using a 
single COMMON_FIELDS table is that I can write one stored procedure and call it 
from the 'before' trigger of each table. Alternatively in the case where the 
common fields are repeated in each table I could pass the table name as a 
parameter to the SP.

Q2: Are there any pitfalls (re-entrance) in calling a common stored procedure 
with a table name from a trigger and have the SP take care of the audit field 
updates (not exactly sure how to do this yet)?


It would be good if the audit fields were not easy to fiddle with (i.e. by 
someone using FlameRobin or isql). The obvious way would be for them to be 
'lightly' encrypted (i.e. obfuscated) during write in the SP and decrypted in 
the application.

Q3: Is it possible to hide the SP from a casual observer or would it be better 
to write a UDF for the obfuscation?

I appreciate that the answer may be "Depends ... " but I would appreciate 
general guidance or opinions where it isn't possible to provide a definite 

Many thanks for the help!!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

  • [fire... Mike Ro miker...@gmail.com [firebird-support]
    • ... 'Louis van Alphen' lo...@nucleo.co.za [firebird-support]
      • ... Mike Ro miker...@gmail.com [firebird-support]
        • ... Alan J Davies alan.dav...@aldis-systems.co.uk [firebird-support]
          • ... Mike Ro miker...@gmail.com [firebird-support]
            • ... Alexandre Benson Smith ibl...@thorsoftware.com.br [firebird-support]
              • ... Mike Ro miker...@gmail.com [firebird-support]
    • ... Andrea Raimondi andrea.raimo...@gmail.com [firebird-support]
      • ... Mike Ro miker...@gmail.com [firebird-support]
        • ... Andrea Raimondi andrea.raimo...@gmail.com [firebird-support]
          • ... Mike Ro miker...@gmail.com [firebird-support]

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