Thanks to everyone for the input. If I could normalize, or do more data entry 
validation (or verification for that matter) I would. The end users are 
insurance agents who represent many different insurance companies, Each company 
has a different policy number format and length. Some add dashes or spaces to 
make the number more readable to humans, but some don't. Add to that, the 
agency may manually enter the information into my database before the insurance 
carrier sends an update. To cap this off, the insurance carrier may alter the 
policy number when the policy renews, to indicate the renewal generation -- 
usually by adding characters at the end of the stub policy number. Matching is 
a nightmare, and will never be 100% accurate. My only hope is to match as well 
as I can, and when there is no match, get the user involved. Ugh. 

 I really appreciate the suggestions aimed at improving my methodology. I can 
always count on this group to help in so many ways. Unfortunately, I am 
constrained by circumstances beyond my control. My application must be able to 
print documents that present the policy numbers in the same format as the 
insurance company does. Forcing my own format on data entry would be unwise 
because I would not know how to reverse any alteration unless I added a 
"search" field (a waste of space). Anyway, here's the SQL I came up with, 
thanks to your kind instructions. It removes dashes and spaces, and the 
appended generational characters that also vary from one company to the next ( 
2 in this case). 

 Replace(Replace(SUBSTRING(a.PolNum from 1 for 
CHAR_LENGTH(a.PolNum)-2),'-',''),' ','') As PolNum


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