 > I noticed that for standard users with firebird trusted 
authentication, we need to mention the role name with the connection 
 > Can somebody give more details about it.
 > Thank you.
 > Regards,
 > Sabu Hariharan

Hi Sabu!

I'm answering since no-one seems to have answered you.

I think this simply is the way roles work with Firebird. Think of it as 
"What kind of access do I want for this connection?", rather than "What 
are the sum of all access rights my user have been given through roles?".

Sometimes, I know that I simply want to read data and then it is safer 
to connect using a role that have reading access only (then it doesn't 
harm if I accidentally do a DELETE FROM <table>). Other times, I want to 
update things, then I have to connect using a role that can update (but 
need to be a bit more careful regarding which queries I throw at the 

If you want access rights that should always be available for a 
particular person regardless of roles used with the connection, grant 
the access rights directly to the user rather than go through a role. 
You could even write a query that would get you the commands to execute 
to give the user the same rights as a role (this is not tested by any 
means and most likely overly simplified and only suitable for simple cases):

          WHEN 'S' THEN 'SELECT'
          WHEN 'I' THEN 'INSERT'
          WHEN 'U' THEN 'UPDATE'
          WHEN 'D' THEN 'DELETE'
        END) ||
        IIF(RDB$FIELD_NAME > '', '('||TRIM(RDB$FIELD_NAME)||')', '')||
        ' ON ' ||trim(RDB$RELATION_NAME)||' TO MYUSER;'

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