Hi Set

 Thanks for helping me with this.  Your answer has been a great help.  However 
there is a problem with the result set.  In the Assignment table I have the 
following data: (of interest is assignid 9 which is projectid 19)
 ASSIGNID ASSIGN_DATE MANAGER PROJECTID 1 03/03/2016 11 2 03/03/2016 12 3 
03/03/2016 13 4 03/03/2016 14 5 03/03/2016 15 6 03/03/2016 16 7 05/02/2012 17 8 
05/02/2012 18 9 05/02/2012 19 10 03/03/2012 20 

In the review table I have the following: (Note that assignid 9 has two 
entries.  One with a review date of 5/2/2012 and the other with a review date 
of 5/5/2015)

 REVIEWID ASSIGNID REVIEW_DATE PROGRESS_NOTE 1 1 03/03/2016   2 2 03/03/2016   
3 3 03/03/2016   4 4 03/03/2016   5 5 03/03/2016   6 6 03/03/2016   7 7 
05/02/2012   8 8 05/02/2012   9 9 05/02/2012   10 1 05/02/2012   11 10 
03/03/2012   12 9 05/05/2015   

 using your queries give me the following result:

03/03/2016 03/03/2016 13 03/03/2016 03/03/2016 14 03/03/2016 03/03/2016 15 
03/03/2016 03/03/2016 16 03/03/2016 03/03/2016 17 05/02/2012 05/02/2012 18 
05/02/2012 05/02/2012 19 05/02/2012 05/02/2012 20 03/03/2012 03/03/2012 

 The result set has Projectid 19 (assignid 9) with the a review date of 
05/02/2012 instead of 5/5/2015.  I'm not sure which bit of the query to tweak 
to get the expected result. Can I enlist your help again please.

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