> Hi,
> I’am running multiples instances of Firebird CS 2.5 x64. But all instances
> uses the same “lock dir”. How I can change the "lock dir” default value
> "/tmp/firebird”?
> I will appreciate any help.

To my understanding, this can get dangerous when you start to separate shared 
resources (e.g. lock tables) into different directories per instance. Once you 
start to access a database from several SC/CS instances, you might ask for 
corruption. See also: http://tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/CORE-3268

Destination for the the temporary data (sort files etc.) can be configured per 
instance though. Check out firebird.conf.

With regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer

Professional Tools and Services for Firebird
FB TraceManager, IB LogManager, Database Health Check, Tuning etc.
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