I used to execute GRANT... TO PUBLIC for every new database object I had 
created in the past, but for some time (I can not tell exactly - whether 
starting from Firebird 2.1 or from Firebird 3.0 only) this has not effect. I 
can see in the metadata tables, that PUBLIC has been granted new rights, but 
individual users (who should inherited all the assigned privilegies from the 
PUBLIC) have no access to the new objects. It worked as expected in Firebird 
1.5. Does something changed here, is it by design now or is it error or I am 
doing something wrong technically?



  • [firebird-... jonatan.laurit...@yahoo.dk [firebird-support]
    • Re: [... Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]
      • R... Tomasz Tyrakowski t.tyrakow...@sol-system.pl [firebird-support]
        • ... Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]
          • ... Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]

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