 I use FB 2.5, 
 The server has a 150 GB HD and it has 20 GB free.
 My database is about 800MB in size.
 Do you think having 20GB of free disk space may be a problem? I'm experiencing 
 a very bad performance lately and I can't figure out what can it be.
 Database header page information: 
        Flags                   0 
        Checksum                12345 
        Generation              2637100 
        Page size               4096 
        ODS version             11.2 
        Oldest transaction      2575577 
        Oldest active           2575578 
        Oldest snapshot         2559726 
        Next transaction        2637092 
        Bumped transaction      1 
        Sequence number         0 
        Next attachment ID      371 
        Implementation ID       26 
        Shadow count            0 
        Page buffers            0 
        Next header page        0 
        Database dialect        3 
        Creation date           Feb 14, 2019 0:16:46 
        Attributes              force write 
    Variable header data: 
        Sweep interval:         20000 

  • [firebird-supp... shg_siste...@yahoo.com.ar [firebird-support]
    • Re: [fire... Dimitry Sibiryakov s...@ibphoenix.com [firebird-support]
    • Re: [fire... liviuslivius liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl [firebird-support]
      • [fire... shg_siste...@yahoo.com.ar [firebird-support]
        • R... Omacht AndrĂ¡s aoma...@mve.hu [firebird-support]
        • R... 'Carlos H. Cantu' lis...@warmboot.com.br [firebird-support]

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