On Apr 16, 2019, at 4:40 AM, respekt...@post.cz [firebird-support] 
<firebird-support@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> Hi, thank you for reply
> But this ordering totaly damage the tree structure
> Because PORADI is only relative to parent node, so all child nodes starting 
> with 1
> If I change the query as you recommend, the set is sorted in way
> 1. all first nodes
> 2. all second nodes
> 3. all third nodes
> ....
> Any other advices??
> Thank you,
> Tomas
It sounds like you are forgetting that in SQL, the order of rows is considered 
unimportant unless there is an explicit order specified AT THAT QUERY (and not 
in a sub-query used to build that query). That is the nature of the language. 
If you want the rows in a particular order, then you need to generate something 
that give it that order.

Any order outside that rule is just a coincidence.

For instance, a sort code for the 3rd node below the 2nd node below node 1 
could be 1.0203 (assuming that no node has more than 99 children). Or, if no 
node has more than 26 children, something like ABC
  • [firebird-suppo... respekt...@post.cz [firebird-support]
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