I am attempting to debug some strange behavior on a large table that exhibits 
the same problems on both FB 1.5 Classic and FB 2.5 Classic.  This is on a 
CentOS 7 server, with a ton of RAM and disk, etc.

 The database has about 150 tables in it.  One table is the culprit.  All other 
tables, stored procedures, etc. work flawlessly and fast.  But this one table, 
which is used to load about 1 million rows each day for processing is 
problematic.  The table is large in terms of the number of columns, yet only 
has about 6 indexes on it.  Since it is only used as a "kill & fill" table to 
get data into the database, before that data is then processed into its 
destination tables, I would consider it temporary.  But unfortunately the data 
provider is unable to give me the delta of what has changed each night, so I'm 
forced to delete all rows in this table, then load them from this file.

 My code that loads the data commits the transactions after the DELETE 
statement, and then at each 5,000 rows loaded.  I have checked this by watching 
the load and using IBExpert to count records, so I can confirm that the commits 
are happening.

 After the loading has completed, what then occurs is strange.  Any attempt to 
interact with that table (and only that table) forces some form of sweep or 
some delay that shows up as a process on the server running at near 100% CPU, 
for about 4-5 hours.  Then it calms down and access to the table is pretty much 
instantaneous.  I thought that this might be a sweep that is occurring after 
the load, so I set the database to not auto sweep.  I have force dropped the 
table, and rebuilt it.  I have done a backup with sweep and a restore to 
refresh the database.  Nothing seems to make any difference.

 This is what database statistics are showing for the database:
 Database header page information:
         Flags                   0
         Checksum              12345
         Generation              995313
         Page size               16384
         ODS version             10.1
         Oldest transaction      93188
         Oldest active           990357
         Oldest snapshot         990354
         Next transaction        995298
         Bumped transaction      1
         Sequence number         0
         Next attachment ID      0
         Implementation ID       19
         Shadow count            0
         Page buffers            0
         Next header page        0
         Database dialect        3
         Creation date           May 8, 2019 23:37:46
         Attributes              force write

     Variable header data:
         Sweep interval:         0

 This is what statistics show for that one table:
     Primary pointer page: 711, Index root page: 712

     Average record length: 1475.73, total records: 962662

     Average version length: 0.00, total versions: 0, max versions: 0

     Data pages: 93152, data page slots: 116597, average fill: 94%

     Fill distribution:

          0 - 19% = 1

         20 - 39% = 0

         40 - 59% = 0

         60 - 79% = 0

         80 - 99% = 93151


 Can anyone see any issues with these statistics, or have any suggestions as to 
what may be going on?  Is there anything that can be seen in logs for this 
mysterious "after load" behavior I'm seeing?

 Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

  • [firebird-supp... my...@techsol.org [firebird-support]
    • Re: [fire... Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]
      • [fire... my...@techsol.org [firebird-support]
        • R... Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]
    • Re: [fire... Helen Borrie hele...@tpg.com.au [firebird-support]
      • [fire... my...@techsol.org [firebird-support]
      • [fire... my...@techsol.org [firebird-support]
        • R... Helen Borrie hele...@tpg.com.au [firebird-support]
        • R... Thomas Steinmaurer t...@iblogmanager.com [firebird-support]
          • ... Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]
            • ... 'Carlos H. Cantu' lis...@warmboot.com.br [firebird-support]

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