Den 2019-06-12 kl. 13:40, skrev Svein Erling Tysvær 
> How many records are there in BUPD, are the other indexes in the plan 
> selective and can you show us the query? Just wondering if it can be 
> rewritten so that the query performs better (I assume the reason for 
> you asking about the plan being that you have a query that is too slow).

I could, but there's a left join to F on one col = col from join OR 
other col in (subselect with where on other col from join), which I 
don't really think could be improved. I decided to ignore the result of 
the query. I can achieve what I need by other means.

Thanks anyway! To you too Dimitry, for confirming how to interpret the 
plan, which I have generic use for. :-)


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  • [firebir... Kjell Rilbe [firebird-support]
    • Re:... Dimitry Sibiryakov [firebird-support]
      • ... Svein Erling Tysvær [firebird-support]
        • ... Kjell Rilbe [firebird-support]

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