Good points.  I'll re-word it.  In addition, I've been spoiled by Stack
Overflow => responses are often within minutes after posting the question..

On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 1:36 PM Mark Rotteveel
[firebird-support] <> wrote:

> On 2019-10-08 14:18, Clyde Eisenbeis [firebird-support]
> wrote:
> > Everything worked up to the last step. After a variety of bounced
> > emails (some with the registration <code> in the subject), I was
> > finally able to post a question on the website. As of today, there
> > are no responses.
> You posted your question yesterday, you can't expect an instant
> turnaround for what is essentially a mailing list for users and
> maintainers of Firebird-net-provider. The help you get is from your
> peers/volunteers, so people will only answer if 1) they know the answer,
> 2) find it interesting to answer and 3) have time to answer.
> In addition, to be rather blunt, your question[1] is not really clear.
> That is, it is not apparent from that question that you have a problem
> with using Firebird Embedded from C#, nor what you already tried, what
> errors you get, etc. You are only repeating the questions that I already
> answered on this mailing list, and those questions are not directly
> related to what you really want to know: how to use Firebird Embedded
> from C#. People on that list who also follow this mailing list will
> likely skip it as already answered here, and for others it doesn't
> really invite an answer because it is not a clear question.
> Reading back, I did say "you should take your question to the
> Firebird-net-provider Google Group", but I hadn't intended it to
> literally post the message I was replying to verbatim to the
> firebird-net-provider list.
> Present your real problem and ask a direct question about that. Don't go
> off on tangents. For example, the question you asked earlier on this
> list
> (
> would be far better to ask on the firebird-net-provider list (although I
> would suggest to provide a bit more details about your project, your
> deployment and where you put Firebird Embedded).
> > When I reviewed a variety of databases two years ago, I selected
> > Firebird because I was able to create a database and implement it with
> > my exe (nothing else required). I liked it.
> >
> > Priorities redirected my efforts then.
> >
> > I'm a bit puzzled why others are not interested in implementing
> > Firebird with this approach. It simplifies everything. Nothing else
> > needs to be installed. Just run the exe.
> Why do you think others aren't using Firebird this way, because they do.
> However, for a lot of applications, using Firebird server is far
> superior to using Firebird Embedded, because multiple applications, on
> multiple machines can then use the same database.
> > Are there any other support options? Thanks!
> See (which for free support will
> just point you to these mailing lists). You could also try Stack
> Overflow, but asking a question like you posted on the
> firebird-net-provider list will likely just get downvoted and closed as
> 'unclear what you're asking' or 'too broad'. And there you would be
> confronted with the same problem: people need to want to answer your
> question and have time to answer your question (writing a good answer
> takes a lot of time). And as I'm one of a few people answering Firebird
> questions there, I'm not sure how helpful that will be.
> [1]:
  • Re: [firebird-suppo... Mark Rotteveel [firebird-support]
    • [firebird-supp... Clyde Eisenbeis [firebird-support]
      • Re: [fireb... Mark Rotteveel [firebird-support]
        • Re: [f... Clyde Eisenbeis [firebird-support]
          • Re... Clyde Eisenbeis [firebird-support]
            • ... Mark Rotteveel [firebird-support]
            • ... Clyde Eisenbeis [firebird-support]
            • ... Mark Rotteveel [firebird-support]
            • ... Clyde Eisenbeis [firebird-support]
            • ... Mark Rotteveel [firebird-support]
            • ... Clyde Eisenbeis [firebird-support]

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