I found what we have been arguing over in the Firebird 2.5 Language Reference 
Manual since I don't seem to have the one for version 3.0.  I looked for it at 
the Firebird site but it does not appear to be listed...





 CHAR is a fixed-length data type. If the entered number of characters is less 
than the declared length, trailing spaces will be added to the field. 
Generally, the pad character does not have to be a space: it depends on the 
character set, For example, the pad character for the OCTETS character set is 


 The full name of this data type is CHARACTER, but there is no requirement to 
use full names and people rarely do so. 


 Fixed-length character data can be used to store codes whose length is 
standard and has a definite “width” in directories. An example of such a code 
is an EAN13 barcode—13 characters, all filled. 


 However, the PDF language manual I have for version 2.5 does in fact state the 

 "A fixed-length character data type. When its data is displayed, trailing 
spaces are added to the string up to the specified length. Trailing spaces are 
not stored in the database but are restored to match the defined
length when the column is displayed on the client side. Network traffic is 
reduced by not sending spaces over the LAN. If the number of characters is not 
specified, 1 is used by default."


 But the above statement puts such descriptions at odds with each other based 
upon where one looks for such information.


 VARCHAR is the basic string type for storing texts of variable length, up to a 
maximum of 32,765 bytes. The stored structure is equal to the actual size of 
the data plus 2 bytes where the length of the data is recorded. 
 All characters that are sent from the client application to the database are 
considered meaningful, including the leading and trailing spaces. However, 
trailing spaces are not stored: they will be restored upon retrieval, up to the 
recorded length of the string. 


 The full name of this type is CHARACTER VARYING. Another variant of the name 
is written as CHAR VARYING. 



 This is the information I have been going by in addition to the link that sent 
me to the IB-Experts web page of the same.

 If the CHAR data type is not being stored with the additional padded 
characters but only done so in memory as Ann Harrison has stated than I have so 
far only found this information to be at odds with other information I have 
found regarding this data type.


 Now what is being said is that internally, a CHAR data type no longer pads its 
field to the defined length at the point of creation.  In this case then, the 
field would then always be expanded to the length required of updated data to 
the maximum defined at field definition time.  VARCHAR data on the other hand 
will act in the same manner except to use its length-info bytes to base its 
updated storage field size on.


 So when did this change?  Is this a new difference between Firebird 2.5 and 

 Here is a link to a detailed description as to how the major databases store 
CHAR and VARCHAR data internally.  With the exception of SQL Server, which 
specifies that ANSI_PADDING has to be set to "ON" to store padded spaces with 
CHAR data types (which, to my knowledge, is how I mostly worked with this 
database engine), all of the listed database engines (with the exception of 
SQLite) say about the same thing for such storage as I have been stating here.  
For SQLite, this would be expected of since it is a not a strongly typed 
database engine.


 If in fact there was a significant change to how the Firebird engine stores 
such CHAR than it would be mirroring with SQLite and not the other major 
database engines available.  I have worked with MS SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, 
MySQL, PostgreSQL (Ingress), and SQLite.  However, I did not like using the 
latter engine and is why I have chosen Firebird for all my current development 


 Steve Naidamast
 Sr. Software Engineer


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