
Please see my question here:


Quoting here, but wish you will reply at the site, if acceptable to you.

I'm using Firebird 3.0 nbackup to lock + copy + unlock each night.

If some steps fail or are skipped e.g. due to system restart (updates), 

it may happen that the master is not unlocked (-N). Next night, it will 

already be in locked state, but the scheduled backup task will lock it 

again (-L).

Is this safe?

Will the second -L have any effect, or is it a no-op, so a single unlock 

(-N) will restore it to normal state? Or do I have to safeguard against 

a second lock (-L) if it's already in locked state?



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

  • [firebir... Kjell Rilbe kjell.ri...@marknadsinformation.se [firebird-support]
    • Re:... Mark Rotteveel m...@lawinegevaar.nl [firebird-support]

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