The optimizer uses the selectivity of an index to decide to use or not to use 
an index.

Can You post the DDL of the table and the view?

Did You order inside the view or outside the view?


MyView = select * from Table order by Colum desc;
Select * from MyView


MyView = select * from Table
Select * from MyView order by Colum desc;

I think the 2and approach does not use table indices. Try to use the first 

Von: []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 3. März 2020 13:23
Betreff: Re: [firebird-support] order by takes too long


I already re-calculated the indexes. But as far as I understood is that as soon
as the natural keyword is present the indexes are not used at all.

The question is when and how decides the generator
of the "plan" that it connot use the indexes....


On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 1:13 PM 'Mathias Pannier (unitel)'<> [firebird-support] 

Can You check the selectivity of the index? Perhaps You could recalculate that 

Gesendet: Dienstag, 3. März 2020 12:41
Betreff: Re: [firebird-support] order by takes too long


it seems the problem is related to the VIEW. This is what I also figured out so 
far.. Now I read:

"If you see a NATURAL plan going against a big table, you've found the 
problem.. If you have where clause or JOIN to that table, make sure you have 
index defined on related fields. If you do have index, but it isn't used, 
perhaps you have ascending index (default) and you need descending (or vice 
versa). Or perhaps you just need to rebuild the index statistics so that 
Firebird finds it usable. That can be done with SET STATISTICS sql command.

If you use views with unions (you cannot index a view), I highly recommend you 
use at least Firebird 2.0 as earlier versions don't use any indexes of 
underlying tables when you use WHERE or JOIN with a view. If you can't use 
Firebird 2.0, the only way to speed it up is to write a stored procedure that 
takes value in WHERE clause as agrument."


I am using firebird 2.1.7 and can confirm that the problematic table has the 
keyowrd "NATURAL" in the plan analyzer.
According to the text indexes should work within views with FB > 2.0.

I also added indexes DESC and ASC for any field of the tables which is used in 
where statements.

Any idea how to proceed from here?



On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 7:32 AM liviuslivius<> 


Without analysis i can only advice to create descending index.
Create descending index ixd_mytable__timestamp on mytable(timestamp)

Karol Bieniaszewski

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  • [firebi... Matthias Winkler [firebird-support]
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    • RE... liviuslivius [firebird-support]
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