Hello all.

Our data server is hosting about 100 databases for about as much as
different clients.
Usually the CPU load is very low, but we have some nasty spikes where
the cpu gets to 100% for a long time.

It's been very hard for us to find the culprit looking at the
application side, since there are a lot of very different ones too. I would like to know if there's any firebird-able tool server side that
could point out things like "which db's are consuming the most cpu
time", and troubleshooting information like that.


Rudi Feijó ( (011) 2579 8789
œ rudi.fe...@multidadosti.com.br
þ www.multidadosti.com.br [1]
[1] http://www.multidadosti.com.br/

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