I was not able to reproduce this problem.


On Dec 1, 1:14 am, Vampire <g.meye...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> I have recently installed the new Firebug 1.6 and quickly figured out
> that the auto-completion (in the "Console" panel) wasn't so good. In
> fact, when I try to create a variable, for example, I begin to type:
>   var t;
> But then, the autocompletion wants to append the name of one of my
> global variables (here "tmr_lotName"). So when I validate by pressing
> ENTER, it's the line
>   vart;tmr_lotName
> that is executed. And this is NOT what I want to happen...
> Another bug of the same kind is when I try to create my variable with
> an assignation, for example:
>   var t = "plop";
> Firebug tries to autocomplete, and gives me the following beautiful
> line of code:
>   var t="plop"tmr_lotName
> which is totally useless to me...
> So my question is: has anyone encountered this bug before me, and does
> anybody know how to fix it?!
> Thank you in advance ;)

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