On Monday, April 10, 2017 at 11:16:01 PM UTC+2, dmccunney wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 4:11 PM, 'Sydney Anderson' via Firebug 
> <fir...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > Is there a browser that works best with Firebug Lite? The website 
> mentioned 
> > Firefox, is that the best one to use with Firebug Lite, or does it 
> generally 
> > function at the same level with different browsers? 
> Firebug Lite has not been actively maintained or developed for some 
> time.  There is simply no one to do it.

To be clear, "some time" means several years.

> On Firefox itself, Firebug will soon longer work.

That should read "will soon *no* longer work".

> It is not compatible with the e10s multi-process model FF is shifting to, 
> and 
> would require a ground up rewrite to work.  The development resources 
> to do that don't exist. Attention has shifted the the built in Dev 
> Tools, with an open bug on the Firefox Bugzilla instance to list 
> things in Firebug and *not* in Dev Tools than should be added to Dev 
> Tools.

Correct. The related bug report is bug 991806 
<https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=991806> (have a look at the 
list of bugs at "Depends on"). If you're missing a Firebug feature in the 
DevTools that's not listed there already, you should consider to file it 
blocking bug 991806 

On Chrome, focus is on the corresponding Chrome Dev Tools.  It used to 
> be possible to install Firebug Lite in Chrome, but I have no idea of 
> the current status.

The Firebug Lite extension for Chrome is basically a wrapper for the normal 
Firebug Lite and is also not being worked on for several years now. So, 
there's no guarantee that it still works.

Why do you specifically need Firebug Lite?

As nowadays all browsers have some developer tools, there shouldn't be any 
need for Firebug Lite anymore. It's only benefit is to have the same UI 
across different browsers. And this is being worked on - for the JavaScript 
debugger at least - by the Firefox DevTools team in the debugger.html 
<https://github.com/devtools-html/debugger.html> project.


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