Concerning "integrity" ... it is crucial to
keeps the entire scope of the word's etymological
origin when using it to identify the quality
or qualities of systems. 

Completeness, wholeness, functional competence,
and independent distinctness - are only -part- of
the qualities-quilt of any given system.

Any -relevence- a system has .. it's 'meaning' 
and value .. comes -only- from its place within the
panorama of companioned existence.

The concurrent qualia of systemic integrity is: integration.
"integral with" .. intimately co-connected and part of.

The notion of "integrity" doesn't just refer to a system's
or organizations's/organism's -self competence- and being
true to 'itself' .. but its symbiotic synchrony with the
panoramic extension of systems it co-habitates with.

Any 'morality' which is indifferent and insensistive
to the milieu, in priority to some 'self', eventually 
destroys the support panorama the self needs to survive
but never realized it.

"Self" doesn't stop at the boundary of skin or shell.
"-My- oxygen" which I need to live and survive .. resides
in the vaster space beyond my regional 'body'.  When I protect
the domain(s) where the oxygen is 'stored' ... I protect "my self".
When I protect -companion existence- ... I protect myself.

When I recognize that ego of all, is as crucially important as
ego of individual, does the 'wellness' of -existence- make
rational -and- emotional .. sense.

Jamie Rose
"Integrity Paradigm"

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