Professor John Collier  
Philosophy, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Durban 4041 South Africa
T: +27 (31) 260 3248 / 260 2292
F: +27 (31) 260 3031
>>> Andrei Khrennikov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 06/05/06 2:54 PM >>>
    Dear John,

> On a somewhat different track, but relevant, 
> Nancy Cartwright was studying econometrics, and 
Do you know how is it possible to find a description of her ideas. I am
guite sure that there will be something wrong in her considerations.

I really doubt it, since Bas van Fraasen felt obliged to respond to it with a 
very ad hoc antirealist response. She gave the paper at the 11th Annual 
Wittgenstein Congress, and it should be in the proceedings, published in 1987 
by Vienna: Holder-Pichler-Tempsky. As, I mentioned, it fits my information 
theoretic account of causation perfectly (though the means of transmission are 
obscure, unless you adopt the Bohm-Hiley interpretation of QM, or some 
variant), which has other attractions.

In any case, the Bell inequalities apply to the econometics case. Nancy's book 
on that is among the references on her summer course page (2005) at

You probably want to look also at Nature's Capacities and Their Measurement. 
The Amazon page is

I am posting this to fis as well, since there may be more general interest.




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