Dear Jerry and colleagues,
Yes, I agree that your mind can be considered as a psychological system. :-)

I do not expect to find any "model" of myself within my psychological
system.  Models, as I understand the term is used in scientific jargon, are
based on communicable codes, not merely cues.

Unlike you, I entertain a set of models of myself. Because as an individual,
I also need to be integrated, I am not constantly differentiating these
models, but in many situations I am perfectly able to exhibit the behaviour
that I am expected to exhibit because I have a model in my mind of what is
expected. With some effort, each role model can also be explicated and thus
be communicated and even taught. 

It appears to me that your assertion is merely a linguistic ploy designed to
create an illusion about how you would prefer to communicate about "mind".

If you read the full article, you will see that the emphasis is not on the
illusions, but on the math. The psychological system is not central, but the
focus is on the system of social interactions. I try to model the latter
using both incursive and hyperincursive equations. The psychological model
can be further elaborated in a next paper. 

If, indeed, I have such a "model", perhaps the first step in a persuasive
argument would be to tell me in which of my many symbol systems it is
recorded and then give me some clues on how to retrieve the parts of
interest to me now.    ;-) 

I am not so sure that this is of interest to you, but I would be interested
in more detailed comments on the text.

It appears to me that you are elevating mathematical reasoning to the level
of a spiritual or religious source of truth. I fear that I am to much of an
empiricist to believe that your semiotics is essential to intentionality.
Deeper drives appear to me to be necessary to create organization. 

I don't like spiritual truths and I wish you good luck with modelling deeper
drives. My claim is that organization of meaning in communication can be
simulated as historically temporary. See Figure 9 based on Equation 16.
Best wishes,   Loet




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Loet Leydesdorff 
Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR)
Kloveniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX Amsterdam
Tel.: +31-20- 525 6598; fax: +31-20- 525 3681 
Now available: The Knowledge-Based Economy: Modeled, Measured, Simulated,
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